"When Emmet married me for my father's money he promised my family that he would use his influence with the City Zoning Board to have a street named after me, since all his money was tied up in real estate and he couldn't afford to buy me a wedding ring. Father assumed it would be a nice residential street, but all Emmet could manage was a dead-end block in a red light district in Lincoln Heights. Areyou familiar with the neighborhood, Mr. Bleichert?" Now the doormat's voice held an edge of fury.
"I gre up there," I said.
"then you know that mexican prostitutes expose themselves out of windows to attract costumers. Well, after Emmett succeeded in getting Rosalinda Street changed to Ramona Boulevard he took me for a little tour there. The prostitutes greeted him by name. Some even had anatomical nicknames for him. It made me very sad and very hurt, but I bided my time and got even."
James Ellroy, The Black Dahlia.
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