divendres, 16 de gener del 2015

2014 Best Movies

Boyhood is awarded with the Golden Iceberg as the best movie in 2014. There are several reasons to recognize Boyhood as the best movie of the year. First of all, it's been filmed during 12 years; there is no record of a production of this kind. Secondly, Boyhood is a masterpiece because it portraits all together the frailty of the western middle class and the weakness our souls. Everyone can find something in Boyhood that reminds big issues of his/her life. Finally, Boyhood is a 'delicatessen' that can be appreciated by all kinds of audience.

The Silver Iceberg goes to True Detective, a creation that proves the maturity of the current golden age in TV productions. True Detective catches the general public attention thanks to its thriller/police plot while exposing to society our darkest and most metaphysical nightmares.

The bronze Iceberg goes to Festen, a 90's Danish movie that will be remembered for decades as a clear example of intelligent black comedy and an acid critic of a truth that not many people would assume: the worst crimes are committed behind the walls of our family homes.

The two other finalists are:

Breaking Bad.

And the Coen Brothers, this time with Inside Llewyn Davis.

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